Blended Yogurts Review
Price: $ .43
Size: 6 oz.
RATING: $$$$
ALDI carries a small selection of different yogurt styles. This review covers the Fit & Active brand. The yogurt is pre-blended and contains a sugar substitute.
There are several different flavors available including Cherries Jubilee, Peach Parfait, Key Lime Pie and Strawberry.
This yogurt has a smooth texture and pleasing flavor. There are small amounts of real fruit mixed in and the containers are sealed with foil. The entire family likes this yogurt and the price is extremely reasonable. The quality is very competitive with the major brands. The only negative I could find is there are only 4 flavors available.
Overall very good buy. Good flavor. Entire family likes this yogurt. Personally was surprised as it is a sugar substitute and I even like the Peach and Cherry flavors.