Dry Roasted Peanuts
Price: $ 1.99
Size: 16oz.
RATING: $$$$$
Peanuts and almonds are a couple of things I buy less of when things get tight. That being said I enoy a handful of peanuts as a snack occasionally so decided to try this brand from ALDI.
The ALDI brand is called Southern Grove and comes packed in a 16oz jar. The peanuts are dry roasted with a hint of salt. I have eaten Planters for a long time and after trying this brand am very impressed. If being given a choice between the 2 brands I would choose Southern Grove.

The peanuts had a very nice flavor with a good balance of saltiness for my taste. The quality of the peanuts themselves were very high. My kids all enjoyed these as well and even asked me where they were purchased. I am not 100% sure about the price but they appear to be a good deal. I will have to check pricing next time I am in a supermarket for name brands but I am estimating that these are a good price per pound as well which even further enhances the value.
Very flavorful, good quality peanuts. Will definitely buy again. Prefer these over many name brands.