ALDI carries a small selection of different yogurt styles. This review covers the Fit & Active brand. The yogurt is pre-blended and contains a sugar substitute.
There are several different flavors available including Cherries Jubilee, Peach Parfait, Key Lime Pie and Strawberry.
This yogurt has a smooth texture and pleasing flavor. There are small amounts of real fruit mixed in and the containers are sealed with foil. The entire family likes this yogurt and the price is extremely reasonable. The quality is very competitive with the major brands. The only negative I could find is there are only 4 flavors available.
Overall very good buy. Good flavor. Entire family likes this yogurt. Personally was surprised as it is a sugar substitute and I even like the Peach and Cherry flavors.
Peanuts and almonds are a couple of things I buy less of when things get tight. That being said I enoy a handful of peanuts as a snack occasionally so decided to try this brand from ALDI.
The ALDI brand is called Southern Grove and comes packed in a 16oz jar. The peanuts are dry roasted with a hint of salt. I have eaten Planters for a long time and after trying this brand am very impressed. If being given a choice between the 2 brands I would choose Southern Grove.
Detail – Peanuts
The peanuts had a very nice flavor with a good balance of saltiness for my taste. The quality of the peanuts themselves were very high. My kids all enjoyed these as well and even asked me where they were purchased. I am not 100% sure about the price but they appear to be a good deal. I will have to check pricing next time I am in a supermarket for name brands but I am estimating that these are a good price per pound as well which even further enhances the value.
Very flavorful, good quality peanuts. Will definitely buy again. Prefer these over many name brands.
Everyone loves pie, right?. ALDI sells a snack pie under the generic brand name Baker’s Treat. The pies come in Apple or Cherry flavors. This review is for the cherry pie. The pies come in a cardboard box and are sold individually. A little while back they were selling for $ 0.43 each but recently the price has been dropped to $ 0.39 each.
The pie has a glaze over the pie crust like Drake’s pies. In comparison I felt the pie was about the same quality as the Drake’s. The crust was tender with a good balance of glaze. The filling contained real fruit and had a nice cherry flavor. Overall, I wasn’t crazy about the pie but then I prefer Tastykake pies in general however they are well over $1.00 most places these days.
I decided to try the pie again however this time I tried it warm. The Baker’s Treat box has a heating suggestion on the back of the box. I stuck the pie in the microwave for 15 seconds. The pie was much more palatable heated up to me. The glaze and crust were soft and sweet and the filling seemed to have a stronger flavor (watch out though – it was hot…). The pie heated up had a better flavor balance in my opnion.
I gave this pie a rating of $$$. I wasn’t crazy about the pie cold but heated up it was much better. For the price of $ 0.39 each I feel it is an overall decent value. If you prefer non-glazed crusts such as Tastykake or Tabletop then this might not be for you though.
Fruit snacks are a favorite of kids and not a bad treat once in awhile. The ALDI brand is labeled Chazoo and comes in several varieties. This review is for the Overload-of-fruit Assorted Flavors. The fruit snacks have 10 pouches. Each pouch is 80 calories per pouch and are made with real fruit juice.
My children wanted these and they appeared to be a decent value. The flavor is comparable to most other brands on the market and have a pleasant fruity flavor. The texture of the fruit snacks in my opinion is close to Welch’s. They are firm and soft close to a Gummi Bear whereas other brands of fruit snack are sometimes soft all the way through.
This is an overall good product. My kids enjoy these and the price is competitive with major brands.