ALDI carries a small selection of different yogurt styles. This review covers the Fit & Active brand. The yogurt is pre-blended and contains a sugar substitute.
There are several different flavors available including Cherries Jubilee, Peach Parfait, Key Lime Pie and Strawberry.
This yogurt has a smooth texture and pleasing flavor. There are small amounts of real fruit mixed in and the containers are sealed with foil. The entire family likes this yogurt and the price is extremely reasonable. The quality is very competitive with the major brands. The only negative I could find is there are only 4 flavors available.
Overall very good buy. Good flavor. Entire family likes this yogurt. Personally was surprised as it is a sugar substitute and I even like the Peach and Cherry flavors.
I like lots of Aldi products, but have yet to find anything in the Fit and Active line that I enjoy. This yogurt has more of a gelatinous texture, which some people may find appealing. I personally like old-school, heavier yogurts such as the unblended Dannon yogurts, so I didn’t like this at all.
For a while, we bought the yogurt tubes (not the same brand, maybe Happy Farms?) and they were great. The product has recently been changed so it has a weird texture and is heavy on the food coloring, so we don’t buy any yogurt at all from Aldi now, unfortunately
I would agree about the gelatinous texture and the review is more relative to that type of yogurt. I do love unblended Dannon and unfortunately they do not have a product similar at the moment. My son loves the yogurt tubes.
I absolutely love this yogurt it is the hands down BEST yogurt I have ever had! I have tried it all I love yogurt if u want a creamy sweet low fat delicious yogurt this is it!! Maybe the other people would prefer that nasty disgusting Greek yogurt it tastes like bad sour cream… But simple & fit is for the ones who care about what goes in there body but don’t wanna sacrifice taste to get it!
I live down the road in Cinco Ranch, and love Aldi stores! I have been to one in Kansas and in Ohio. They sale fine European cheotlaocs, desserts, breads, and etc. They are NOT A 99 CENT STORE! My mother, who shops often in her Ohio store, states the parking lot is always neat and no runaway carts there! I don’t know where the idea is that people in this neck of the woods would not like to save money and get quality products! Remember competition is good! I would assume that it was known the property in front was zoned for commerical use, or buyer beware . I think those were some pretty lame excuses selling alcohol PLEASE! Why did you not say someone could be shoving a piece of dark chocolate in their mouth while driving away and cause an accident! Yeah, the chocolate is that good and very, very inexpensive so you could buy enough to gobble some on the way home! All over this country, AMERICANS are looking for jobs and growth, but we got a neighbor in Katy whining about .nothing!
STOP. If you buy the 32 oz. container of Aldi’s Fit “n Active non-fat yogurt, either plain or vanilla, compare the ingredients now to what they were selling as recently as the early July. I noticed this because the container shape has changed in that it is taller and narrower. This made me curious so I took the time to read the ingredients: Sugar content has increased by 20%; they are using KOSHER GELATIN to thicken now, likely because it is so much cheaper than whey powder. Note that gelatin is made from hide and bones of cattle, so this is a vegan alert as well. They are also using food coloring now which makes it look pale yellow like fake pudding. Most disheartening of all, they have reduced the number of active cultures from 4 to 2. So that this product now has NO ACDIDOPHILUS. The 2 remaining cultures are the minimum required by the USDA to still be called yogurt. Potassium content also reduced. WE WILL NO LONGER PURCHASE THIS PRODUCT FROM ALDI. What I find really lousy is that they “sneaked” these changes without making it clear what they had done. Rotten indeed
For real, as a VERY satisfied ALDI cuetmosr, let me just say that it is AWESOME. Anything I can do to avoid the great satan (wal-mart) I’ll do.One downside, there are some items you might not find there. For instance, their frozen veggies are pretty limited in selection. Still, GREAT store.
I love aldi and do about 80% of my grocery sopihpng there. Their dairy prices are excellent as well as some of their frozen meals. Only downfall is produce. The quality of the produce is subpar, so I tend to go to the farmer’s market for my veggies instead
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